How to Download file using Torrent
Step1:- Go to µtorrent and Download setup .
Step2:- Install it and go to torrent client like torrentz.com
Step3:- Download torrent there will be three types of torrent magnetic ,direct and torrent download use torrent download.
Step4:-Torrent file will be downloaded and then open that downloaded torrent file using µtorrent client.
How to Increase µTorrent speed
Step1:-Open µtorrent and Go to Options then Preferences.
Step2:-Go to Advanced change values which are less then 80(If any value which is less then 80 change their values to 80)
Step3:-Click Apply and OK.
Step4:-Go to Preferences And then Go to Bit-torrent.
- Global maximum number of connection change it to 500
- Maximum number of connection peers per torrent change it to 500
- Number of upload slots per torrent change it to 3
Step5:-Then right click on any torrent file which you have keep for downloading
and go to Bandwidth Allocation Set at High
Step6:-Then Right Click on logger click on Log Peer Traffic
yup Now you can download any file with tweak speed and faster.
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